Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Power of Crowdfunding

If you are unfamiliar with Kickstarting, it's a little bit of heaven on earth for independent artists like myself.

Check out this successfully funded comic reprint:

They earned over $1 million from 16,000 different people on a comic based on Dungeons & Dragons (which, admittedly, I played extensively as a teenager). It's crazy. Lessons learned from this amazing kickstart:

  • Crowd funding is cool.
  • Every person in this world makes a difference, and so does every dollar we spend.
  • Some people still read comics.
  • Playing Dungeons & Dragons as a child pays off in the end.
  • I wasted 4 years of my life learning to draw.
Who knew I could have just done my comic with stick figures?

In fact, to honor this incredibly successful kickstart (second most successful kickstart ever, actually) I've decided to redraw all my characters in the style of Rich Burlew. Some characters appear more than once... 

And while we are talking about Kickstarting, check out my friend Jake Parker's Kickstart for his book Antler Boy. It reached its funding goals the first day!!

Next week I will have some new artwork to show! My apologies on another late post... :( But at least I'm keeping it to within 24 hours late, so we have to look on the bright side, right? I'm improving...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Small and simple means

Sometimes I have to remind myself that by small and simple means great things shall come to pass. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

One more page complete!!

On a side note, Ryan has been hauling tail with his project Bottom of the are in for a real treat when he releases it. I personally believe it will start a whole new genre of entertainment, the cinematic novel. I guess we will all see in just a few weeks. I did some 2D animation work on it and I hope it does well so I can keep doing more.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

K-Talk Interview

Listen to my K-Talk Interview! I'm the first 30-40 minutes of the show Faces and Places of Utah!

The interview starts 9 minutes in so I would skip all the commercials if I was you.

New Page!

Here's the new page for the week! I am in the middle of 3-4 more but none of them are quite ready to polish up is all.

I just got a contract for the next 10 days so things will be quiet until I finish it. I hope to have another 2 pages for next week.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Interview on K-Talk AM630 tomorrow!

An early weekly post to celebrate an interview on  K-Talk AM630 radio tomorrow (Mon Apr 9) at 9am! Tune in if you can, if not I will post a link to a recording once they make it available.

Oh yeah...and PAGES!

These pages are part of Issue #1. Please note they are displayed here out of context. It is not supposed to be a complete story, but if you check out Issue #1's storyboard version you can read the full comic.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Here is a sneak peak of what's coming in the future! I've made a goal to have the story pages of Issue #1 complete by the end of May...which means about a page every working day or something insane like that. A nearly impossible working feat...but I guess we will see what is and isn't possible. Luckily I've already completed a lot of the work for these pages.

You can see these panels in the first pages of Issue #1.

Expect a big post next week and a lot of color from here on out!

Also on the plate in the future is a Kickstarter campaign to help me print the first few thousand issues. More on this after I finish Issue #1, but for now, save your money! I promise my rewards program will rock! You won't be disappointed!